When consumers, politicians, educators, practitioners, journalists and others in public settings are seeking answers to social problems within our community, they find them through studies including social work research. These studies benefit the public because they examine preventative methods for dealing with ongoing problems and issues in areas such as health care concerns, substance abuse, discrimination and the economy., It also studies the effectiveness of different types of organizations. An example of a study can be the risk factors associated with poverty and mental health. Another study could be about single parenting and school grades.Three major organizations known for conducting various studies include ANSWER, SSWR, and IASWR. These three associations are very integrated with one another and network widely via conferences. Information is shared with many government agencies.Communities, cities and nations rely upon these types of study results and surveys The acquired information can be channeled into figuring out school strategies, social service programs that are needed and ways to benefit those in difficult situations. Schools need to know how financial issues, abuse and parental homework support influences the way that children process information and relate to other students. Other setting that benefit from the research includes after care programs, hospitals and programs for at risk kids. Many innovative programs were born out of the deficiencies that were revealed in the studies.In publications such as the NASW journals and related social science and psychology journals, the research gets circulation. Undergraduate and graduate students also draw on these journals for research papers, dissertations and class presentations.If you find this type or career of interest, you will do well to work towards your masters or doctorate degree. Many programs in social work have an emphasis on social work research. For instance, at the George Warren School of Social Work in Washington University in St. Louis one can attain a MSW or DSW and there are over nine specific research centers enabling direct work. Some of the research centers include the Center for Mental Health Services Research and the Center for Obesity Prevention and Policy Research. Michelle Obama is specifically interested in curbing obesity and has done a lot to further this to the public.
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